Success Stories


Immense Joy!

I met my beloved on Spiritual Singles, and I simply joined (the site) for companionship. I had tried dating locally, and in my heart I knew my divine partner was not in my hometown. Just after joining, I read his profile. Everything he said was like playing musical notes for my soul. It's as if his profile was written just for me. While my intellectual mind could not comprehend what was happening, my heart already knew he was the one. There was no practical reason whatsoever to open up my bandwidth across the country to find a partner. I was really just hoping to find a connection.
Within our first conversation, I had so much immense joy in talking to him, and we talked everyday through Facetime and texting for seven weeks.
After seven weeks, he came to meet me in person. He has been by my side ever since, and we got engaged in December, 2023. In January, 2024, we opened the doors to HolisTech Institute & Spa. Not only are we lovers, but we are dharmic partners in life on a mission to offer proactive wellness modalities for transformational healing. 
Paige Pearman and Chris Whitcoe